Shraddha Srinath took to social media to celebrate one year of Nerkonda Paarvai, the Tamil remake of hit Bollywood film, Pink. Today, the actress took to her Instagram stories to celebrate one year of the film's release. Shraddha wrote, "A mega star who chose to defy odds and be part of a film that talks about a subject that we …
Language: Tamil Nerkonda Paarvai is an absorbing court room drama, a reflection on the patriarchal mindset of our male-dominated society. The Tamil remake features popular mass hero Ajith, so director H Vinoth has taken some liberties to make it suitable to the sensibilities of the actor’s huge fan base. Never before has a top star asked such a question in …
It’s surprising that Shraddha Srinath hasn’t watched Pink yet. I’ll watch it once Nerkonda Paarvai releases,” smiles Shraddha Srinath rather wryly. Otherwise, you’re just emoting,” she says, quickly admitting that it was rather challenging to work in a dialogue-heavy movie like Nerkonda Paarvai. That slot was also vacant when I entered Kannada industry, I guess,” she says, “It’s also because …