Its festive season and Indian carmakers have announced heavy discounts across their portfolio for the month of October 2021 with huge benefits on multiple products. Tata Motors is offering benefits of up to Rs 30,000 on certain models for Navratri and Diwali, including the Tata Tiago, Tata Tigor, Tata Nexon, Tata Nexon EV, and Tata Harrier. The Tata Nexon with …
Tata Motors is giving attractive benefits worth up to a maximum of Rs 65,000 on its commuter vehicles in the month of May. The flagship model of the company, however – the Tata Safari, will be an exception from the discount spree since the vehicle was rolled out only a couple of months back. Talking about the Tigor sedan, Tata …
Indian automobile manufacturer Tata Motors has been doing quite fine in terms of sales ever since the lockdown opened as the sales numbers for the brand has seen an increase. The year-end sale will go on till December 31, according to a report published in Cartoq Here is a look at the discounts that are being offered on these popular …