Actor Vishal Singh, who played Jigar Modi in Saath Nibhana Saathiya, opened up about being contacted to reprise his role in the highly-anticipated second season. The actor said that he’s okay with a cameo, but is not interested in a full-fledged return to a show he has already been a part of before. I was part of ‘Saath Nibhana Saathiya’ …
Actor Rupal Patel, whose line of dialogue -- ‘rasode mein kaun tha’ -- went viral recently, has confirmed her return for the upcoming second season of her hit television soap, Saath Nibhana Saathiya. Rupal, who plays Kokila Modi on the show, told Mumbai Mirror, “There cannot be SNS 2 without its Koki.” The actor had previously said that she hadn’t …
The massive popularity of Yashraj Mukhate’s viral rap video that turns a popular dialogue from an old daily soap Saath Nibhaana Saathiya into a funny meme has finally led to the return of the popular show. Devoleena Bhattacharjee has shared the new promo of Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 to announce her return with the hit show. Devoleena Bhattacharjee in a …
Thanks to the hilarious viral videos, we finally have the answer to the question 'rasode me kaun tha?' For those still living under the rocks, it all began when a mashup video of daily soap Saath Nibhana Saathiya's character Kokilaben's dialogue with Gopi Bahu and Rashi went viral on social media. Have a look at the original scene here: Meanwhile, …
From the past few days, social media is filled with memes and videos of Saath Nibhana Saathiya character Kokilaben's dialogue asking Gopi Bahu, 'rasode mein kaun tha?' The video which was recorded by Aurangabad based music producer Yashraj Mukhate 'just for fun' has now gained over 4.5 million views. Not only this, but the hilarious rap has also been shared …