Niranjan Dindodi ushered in both halves of his concert with interesting preludes that had a similar pattern. The meditative ‘O Jagadamba’ by Syama Sastri earned special enrichment through a detailed niraval around ‘Anni bhuvanambulu’ of the first charanam. Taking cue was a bold Kalyani alapana that warmed up to reciting ‘Pankaja lochana’. After Gopalakrishna Bharati’s ‘Enneramum’ in Devagandhari and ‘Srimahabala’ …
A stimulating ‘Undedi ramudu’ was Aishwarya Shankar’s opening kriti in Harikamboji, a sampoorna raga, which J.B. Keerthana took up as the centrepiece for her concert at the same venue six days later. As her main piece, Keerthana took up ‘Muruga thirumal’, penned by Thanjavur Shankara Iyer, another of Sunder’s gurus. The Harikamboji alapana made clear Keerthana’s penchant for unfurling the …