Kartik Fine Arts expands its cultural activities to Chennai's suburbs. The sabha has launched an outreach effort to reach out to rasikas in the suburbs, featuring a Carnatic vocal recital by K. Gayatri. The inaugural event was held in collaboration with Babaji Vidhyashram, Sholinganallur, and featured a diverse lineup of performances. The concert showcased the talents of renowned artists from …
It is, indeed, gratifying to note that Ramakrishnan Murthy, who has gained immense popularity, keeps his creative energy under tight leash through his musical wisdom. Recipient of ‘Isai Peroli’ title from the organisation this year, Ramakrishnan Murthy justified it in every way with his performance. It was followed by Syama Sastri’s Ritigowla composition, ‘Ninnuvina marigalada.’ Here, Murthy embellished the kriti …