Bihar on Wednesday reported its seventh death of a coronavirus patient, as migrant workers contributed to more than one-third of the total cases, with the virus spreading to cover the entire state late on Tuesday. Fifty-three people, including two nurses — one from the Nalanda Medical College Hospital, a dedicated Covid-19 hospital, and another from the Indira Gandhi Institute of …
Patna: A woman tested positive for COVID-19 in Bihar on Sunday, taking the total number of cases in the state to 11, an official said here. Among those who have tested positive, as many as six had come into contact with a deceased patient, hailing from Munger district, who died at AIIMS, Patna, on Saturday last week, a day before …
A woman tested positive for COVID-19 in Bihar on Sunday, taking the total number of cases in the state to 11, an official said in Patna. A female relative of his, who attended his funeral and then returned to her home in Lakhisarai district, has tested positive, state epidemiologist Ragini Mishra said, adding that she is currently admitted to the …