Nooshin Al Khadeer’s voice choked as she spoke to her players, moments after India clinched the inaugural U-19 Women’s T20 World Cup in Potchefstroom, South Africa, on Sunday. In 2005, as part of the Indian team, Nooshin reached the final of the Women’s World Cup, but on that occasion in Centurion, India went down to Australia. I believe things would …
Despite becoming the first-ever winning captain of the inaugural U19 Women's T20 World Cup, Shafali is still not done yet. "No, the big one also," she replied when asked if the U19 World Cup is the only major trophy she's going to lift this year, hinting at the upcoming Women's T20 World Cup, to be held from February 10-26 in …
India has been waiting for this moment for a long time, said chief coach Nooshin Al Khadeer on Sunday after the U-19 women's cricket team lifted its maiden ICC trophy, adding that the T20 world cup triumph underlines the country's enormous depth of talent. The Indian women's team on Sunday lifted its first-ever ICC trophy with a seven-wicket win over …
On the eve of the U-19 Women’s World Cup final, India coach Nooshin Al Khadeer called captain Shafali Verma for a conversation. Towards the end of the conversation, as Shafali was heading back to join her teammates, Nooshin told her, “I could not win the World Cup here in 2005, but I want you to lift the trophy tomorrow…” A …