— President Joe Biden, arguably the nation’s biggest Amtrak fan, visited a train maintenance shop in his home state of Delaware on Monday to showcase more than $16 billion in federal investments for rail travel along the busy Northeast Corridor, saying of long-delayed improvements, “we’re finally getting it done.” The president highlighted spending to modernize 25 passenger train projects between …
CNN — Created in 1971 from the creaking remains of the classic US railroads that helped build modern America, Amtrak has often lived a precarious existence. This massive chunk of change is needed to address Amtrak’s repair backlog; modernize the flagship Northeast Corridor; improve existing corridors, create new intercity connections; and enhance grant and loan programs that support passenger and …
William J. Flynn took over as CEO of Amtrak at the worst possible time. But in terms of underlying core infrastructure, we’ve got several bridges that are over 100 years old, we need essentially new tunnels, and that urgency is not going away. The latest estimates that I saw was that the new tunnel would cost $11.1 billion, which is …