The laptop has a battery life of 40 hours which is supported by an additional swappable battery. Panasonic India has launched Toughbook FZ-55 laptop at a price of Rs 1.49 lakh. The semi-rugged notebook has a new generation advanced security system and comes with a warranty of three years, as per the press release. Speaking about the launch of Toughbook …
Lenovo has launched its new Yoga Slim 7i notebook in India. The premium offering comes with the latest 10th-gen Intel Core processor along with a slim, lightweight design and a 180 degree rotating hinge. The new Yoga Slim 7i will be available for purchase starting August 20 through online stores including, Amazon and Flipkart. The Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i …
Notebook, in its presentation and story, is miles away from anything we are seeing in Bollywood these days. And on Thursday, as Notebook’s first song Nai Lagda came out, it just added to the mood. Notebook song Nai Lagda features Pranutan and Zaheer Iqbal. Titled Nai Lagda from Notebook, the song has been composed by Vishal Mishrain and sung by …