Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has directed officials to take the necessary steps to lay the foundation stone for a new Osmania Hospital, featuring state-of-the-art facilities, by the end of January. During a review meeting held at his residence on Saturday, the Chief Minister discussed the hospital’s construction plans with senior officials. He directed the inclusion of facilities such …
A 23-year-old trans person recently underwent a laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy at government-run Osmania General Hospital in Hyderabad. The comprehensive healthcare approach involved various teams, including obstetrics and gynaecology led by Mahatma Gandhi Maternity Hospital-Petlaburj Superintendent Malathi, under the guidance of doctors Mallikarjun, with Pandunaik, Pavani, Madhavi, and Balaji. On the first day post operation, hospital superintendent B. Nagendar, along with …
Highlights A 48-year-old woman was brutally stabbed near Omer Restaurant in Hyderabad's Hafiz Baba Nagar. Hyderabad news: A woman was brutally stabbed on Friday near Omer Restaurant in Hyderabad's Hafiz Baba Nagar. The 48-year-old woman was chased by a man, video that went viral on social media showed, and was attacked from behind with a long knife. Police rushed to …