New Delhi: Amid reports of an alleged breach of data on the CoWIN platform, the Centre on Monday said these reports were “without any basis” and “mischievous in nature”, and that the matter has been reviewed by the country’s nodal cyber security agency CERT-In. The CoWIN portal is completely safe and has adequate safeguards for data privacy, the Union health …
The government of India yesterday initiated the second phase of the COVID-19 vaccine in the country. Earlier, it was stated that citizens would be able to register for COVID-19 inoculation via the Co-WIN app and website; however, the government has now clarified that the app is currently only meant for administrators and not beneficiaries. The App on Play Store is …
The government of India today initiated the second phase of the COVID-19 vaccine in the country. Earlier, it was stated that citizens would be able to register for COVID-19 inoculation via the Co-WIN app and website; however, the government has now clarified that the app is currently meant for administrators and not beneficiaries. Notably, in a conversation with News18, RS …