The Outnumbered Christmas special promises to be an emotional return for the Brockman family. The Outnumbered Christmas special promises to be an emotional return for the Brockman family Dad Pete, played by Hugh Dennis, will reveal he has had a health scare, marking a poignant storyline for the much-loved series This marks the first time we see Sue and Pete …
Outnumbered actors Tyger Drew-Honey, Daniel Roche and Ramona Marquez have reunited to relive iconic moments from Comic Relief episodes of the show. Outnumbered actors Tyger Drew-Honey, Daniel Roche and Ramona Marquez reunited to relive iconic moments from Comic Relief episodes of the show for a YouTube series, with a first look released on Wednesday Now adults, Tyger, 28, Daniel, 24, …
Hugh Dennis has sweetly admitted he is 'really looking forward' to working with his real life partner Claire Skinner again on the upcoming Christmas special. Hugh Dennis has sweetly admitted he is 'really looking forward' to working with his real life partner Claire Skinner again on the upcoming Christmas special The comedian and actor, 62, and his on-screen wife Claire, …