Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut and Maharashtra minister Dilip Walse-Patil ripped into Ravi Rana and Navneet Kaur - the MLA-MP couple at the heart of the 'Hanuman Chalisa' row in Mumbai - alleging their actions are part of a 'conspiracy' to upend law and order in the state. Questioned over unruly scenes outside Rana and Navneet Kaur's home - where …
Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray’s bungalow Matoshree received a phone call from an unidentified man claiming to be from underworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s gang on Saturday, state cabinet minister Anil Parab said. He added, “The caller requested to speak to CM Thackeray and did not issue any threats.” “Someone called up on ‘Matoshree’ phone number two times on Saturday night and …