All the leaks and rumours finally come to rest as Huawei Mobile launches the much-anticipated Huawei P40 series. Huawei P40 Pro and P40 Pro+ Huawei P40 and P40 Pro+ sport a 6.58-inch OLED display with a resolution of 2640x1200 and a high refresh rate of 90Hz. Instead of the 12MP telephoto lens, the P40 Pro+ houses an 8-megapixel 3x optical …
Huawei’s upcoming flagships, the P40 and P40 Pro are expected to be launched in March 2020, and even though there still remains some time in between, rumours and leaks about the device have started picking pace. Although, there is no clarity on whether the flagships would support Huawei Mobile Services or still come with Google Services. While there is no …