'Ghoomer', a film that celebrates the achievements of specially-abled sportsmen who have conquered their adversities, was announced on Wednesday. The film directed by R. Balki stars Abhishek Bachchan, with whom Balki has earlier worked in 'Paa' and for the memorable mobile network The film is said to be inspired by the incredible achievement of Karoly Takacs, a Hungarian right hand …
Shah Rukh and Salman Khan have only ever worked with each other twice and one of those movies was the hit action drama, Karan Arjun. When Shah Rukh came visiting on the sets of Bigg Boss, hosted by Salman, he recounted the time on the film’s sets when co-star Mamta Kulkarni gave them an earful for not rehearsing their dance …
R Balki’s 2009 film Paa, starring Amitabh Bachchan in the titular role of a school student battling progeria, released on this day, 4 December, 10 years ago. One day, I had gone to Amit _j_i’s office to discuss some promotion for Cheeni Kum. So I thought Abhishek is sounding like his father and Amit ji is sounding like Abhishek’s son. …