With its new release date, Bhangra Paa Le will clash with Sab Kushal Mangal at the box office Bhangra Paa Le, starring Sunny Kaushal and Rukhsar Dhillon in the lead, has received a fresh release day. Earlier slated for 1 November, the dance drama will now hit the screens on 3 January, clashing with Sab Kushal Mangal at the box …
Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan’s iconic number ‘Bhangra Paale’ is all set to get a modern makeover. The number, originally featured in Karan Arjun, will be recreated for Sneha Taurani’s directorial debut Bhangra Paa Le, starring Sunny Kaushal and Rukhsar Dhillon in the lead. Taurani confirms the news to Mirror, stating the song will be “adapted to the film’s …
The trailer of Sunny Kaushal and Rukhsar Dhillon’s dance film, Bhangra Paa Le, was released earlier today. Through his obsession for dance, he finds his way into some of the biggest dance competitions in the world, where he encounters Simi Kohli, essayed by Telugu actress Rukshar Dhillon. While the trailer showcases transitions between the past and present period, the film …
Actor Shriya Pilgaonkar has joined the cast of of RSVP’s Bhangra Paa Le, directed by debutante Sneha Taurani Actor Shriya Pilgaonkar has joined the cast of of RSVP’s Bhangra Paa Le, directed by Sneha Taurani. pic.twitter.com/T33ZrBDwBL — taran adarsh May 6, 2019 The film features Sunny Kaushal and Rukhsar Dhillon. “I’m really excited to be part of Sneha’s debut film …