Ajith's decision to do Nerkonda Paarvai, the official Tamil remake of Bollywood flick, Pink, received a lot of applause from all quarters. At the event, a journalist asked Trisha whether she had watched Nerkonda Paarvai, which explores consent, women's safety, patriarchy and double standards in the society. The 96 actress showered praises on Ajith for a doing a film like …
Boney Kapoor and the team of Nerkonda Paarvai have gone full throttle in promoting the upcoming Ajith film. Now, the makers of the film are all set to release another song from the film, Agalaathey, which is touted to be a romantic number between Ajith and Vidya Balan. The Dirty Picture actress is paired opposite Ajith in the film and …
Jyothika made a strong comeback with 36 Vayadhinile and ever since she started her second innings, she has been doing socially responsible movies. In a recent interview with Behindwoods, she thanked Ajith for doing a film like Nerkonda Paarvai, which talks about women's consent. Ajith sir is doing Nerkonda Paarvai and I really think he should be thanked. Since they …