Nearly 69 per cent polling was recorded for two assembly seats in Himachal Pradesh on Monday, a state election official said. Pachhad saw nearly 73 per cent voting as per preliminary reports, whereas 65.39 per cent of eligible voters exercised their franchise in Dharamshala, he added. A total of 202 polling stations were set up for Pachhad and Dharamshala seats, …
Grappling with dissidence in Pachhad and Dharamshala, the two constituencies where byelection is slated for October 21, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party has pressed troubleshooters to placate the rebels. With less than 24 hours left for withdrawing names from the fray, the saffron party has pressed irrigation and public health minister Mahender Singh Thakur and education minister Suresh Bhardwaj into …