The Tirumala-Tirupati Devasthanams authorities on Saturday presented the traditional ‘Saarey’ — a set of gift articles along with precious ornaments — to Goddess Padmavati at Tiruchanoor. It included a silk sari, tulasi, kasturi, perfumes, sandalwood powder and refined camphor besides five varieties of prasadams — laddu, vada, jilebi, tendolam and appam. Dharma Reddy carried the gift articles in a procession …
The BJP and its allies on October 24 won 26 of the 51 Assembly seats at stake in the bypolls across 18 States and the Congress emerged victorious in 12 constituencies while Asaduddin Owaisi's AIMIM tasted its maiden electoral success in Bihar. Jagdish Ishwarbhai Pate of the BJP is leading over his nearest candidate Patel Dharmendra Shantilal of the Congress …