Hyderabad: The HMWS&SB said it had distributed six lakh drinking water packets during the Praja Palana Vijayotsavalu celebrations at the Hussainsagar. The board has set up 45 water camps, which MD Ashok Reddy and executive director Mayank Mittal inspected on Sunday. “We are ready with three lakh drinking water sachets more for the concluding day. The board’s quality assurance teams …
Hyderabad: Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy finalised plans for grand celebrations to mark the concluding three days of the ‘Praja Palana Vijayotsvalu’, from December 7, capped by the unveiling of the Telangana Talli statue at the Secretariat on December 9. Events have been planned at Tank Bund on December 7, the Secretariat on December 8, and Necklace Road on December …
Hyderabad: The Congress government on Wednesday decided to commemorate September 17 as ‘Telangana Praja Palana Dinotsavam’ instead of the previously used nomenclature like the Telangana Merger Day, Telangana National Integration Day, Telangana Liberation Day, among others. While the central government organises official programmes on this day, recognising it as the Telangana Liberation Day, the previous BRS government celebrated it as …