A Palayamkottai-based private car jewels showroom, which embellished the official vehicles of three panchayat union heads to make their travel safe and comfortable, is running from pillar to post for the past one year to get the bills sanctioned. The petitioner said their showroom fitted spare parts costing ₹92,100 to the new official vehicle of the chairman of Palayamkottai panchayat …
Tirunelveli Corporation councilors have urged Mayor P.M. Saravanan to take effective and immediate steps to save the Thamirabarani river from being polluted by sewage flowing into it, despite the first phase of the underground drainage scheme being executed in a few parts of the twin towns of Tirunevleli and Palayamkottai. When councilors Shankar and Subramanian raised this serious issue at …