The Narendra Modi government on Sunday appointed former NITI Aayog vice chairperson Arvind Panagariya as the new chairman of the Finance Commission, Reuters reported. Arvind Panagariya has been appointed as the new finance commission chairman Every five years, the Centre sets up a finance panel to suggest formula for the sharing of taxes between the union and state governments, and …
London/Boston: As the 2024 elections approach, taking stock of the economy after a decade-long rule of the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi becomes a natural talking point. View Full Image Graphic: Mint According to the World Bank’s earlier $1.90 PPP per day line that defines extreme poverty, 23% of India’s population was poor in 2011-12, the last estimate …
Published : Sep 08, 2022 11:00 IST The long-standing debate on whether India’s public sector banks should be privatised has resurfaced in recent days. Referring to a core theme in the article by Gupta and Panagariya, the RBI researchers argued that while on pure profitability grounds private banks in India appear more efficient than public ones, public banks turn out …
The current debate on the rupee’s fall evokes a sense of d eja vu. Shortly after the rupee crisis of 2013, India was witness to a heated debate between two of its most famous economists: Amartya Sen and Jagdish Bhagwati. Bhagwati and his co-author Arvind Panagariya likewise put forth their views in their book published the same year, Why Growth …
Panagariya was responding to a question on what the priorities should be of the government that comes into power when elections end next month. New York: India must focus on the growth of labour-intensive sectors to create decent jobs for the masses as well as give “serious thought” to privatising the public sector banks, eminent economist Arvind Panagariya has said, …