PRAYAGRAJ Over 42.90 lakh pilgrims took a holy dip in the Sangam on Basant Panchami, the fourth and one of the main bathing festivals of Magh Mela-2024, on Wednesday. Earlier on Tuesday, divisional commissioner Vijay Vishwas Pant, Mahakumbh Mela Adhikari Vijay Kiran Anand and Magh Mela Adhikari Dayanand Prasad and other officials inspected different sectors in the mela area and …
It was scenes from a recent Tamil film that brought the issue of retrieval of panchami lands for Dalits back into focus in the State. Challenges Since the nomenclature was different during British times, many officials in the Revenue and Registration Departments are not aware that they need to identify lands classified as ‘government inam’, ‘depressed classes’ lands’ and ‘cheri …