City municipal commissioner Shiv Sharan Appa has come under fire for leading bulldozers during an anti-encroachment drive in the Kalyanpur and Panki areas on Monday. The Kanpur Municipal Corporation recently faced criticism after mayor Pramila Pandey threw a file during a meeting, scolding the engineer responsible for desilting the drains ahead of the monsoon. Samajwadi Party youth wing president Dr. …
Panki Assembly Elections 2019 | Located in Palamu division, Panki Assembly constituency falls in one of the 21 blocks in Palamu district in Jharkhand. Following is a brief description of Panki Assembly seat: Constituency number: 75 Total electors: 2,66,406 Female electors: 1,25,421 Male electors: 1,40,984 Third gender electors: 1 Reserved: No Delimited: No Key candidates in Panki Assembly Elections 2019: …