The Bharatiya Janata Party on Friday appointed Lok Sabha MP Nayab Singh Saini, who hails from other backward classes community, as Haryana BJP president replacing Om Prakash Dhankar, the powerful Jat community leader widely credited for expanding party base and preparing the cadre for the electoral slugfests in 2024. Lok Sabha MP Nayab Singh Saini, who became MLA for the …
The Bharatiya Janata Party in Uttar Pradesh has appointed Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath as the 'panna pramukh' for booth number 246 in Gorakhnath area for Gorakhpur Assembly seat. The party has appointed 13,100 panna pramukhs at 13,800 booths in urban and rural Assembly seats in Gorakhpur city. Former Union finance minister of state and MP Shiv Pratap Shukla and MLA …
A ‘panna pramukh’ or person in-charge of a page of voters’ list is the first point of contact for most voters in the BJP’s election management machinery Gorakhpur: Ahead of the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, the BJP has appointed Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath as ‘panna pramukh’ of a booth in Gorakhpur Urban constituency. The BJP has appointed Adityanath as …