A 65-year-old woman was mauled to death by a sub-adult tiger in Panna Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh on Monday. The attack took place at around 10 in the morning, when Phuliya Sahu along with three other women ventured into the core area of the tiger reserve to collect fodder. We spoke to Anjana Tirkey, Field Director of Panna Tiger …
A bear suspected to have killed a man on Tuesday was found dead in suspicious circumstances on Wednesday night in Madhya Pradesh’s Panna Tiger Reserve, said a forest official. Panna Tiger Reserve field director UK Sharma said Haridas Ahirwar, 45, was found dead on Tuesday night with injury marks of a bear attack in the Gangaua beat of the reserve. …
A radio-collared tigress was found dead in Madhya Pradesh’s Panna Tiger Reserve, a senior forest official said on Sunday. The carcass of the tigress, identified as P-213, was found on Saturday in Gahrighat range of the Panna Tiger Reserve, located over 350 km from Bhopal, the official said. On May 8, a tiger was found dead in the state’s Kanha …