Salman Khan celebrates his birthday today, December 27. SALMAN KHAN CUTS BIRTHDAY CAKE WITH FAMILY Salman Khan celebrates his birthday today. The actor, who is back from the hospital following a snake bite, was seen cutting a giant birthday cake with his family. Aayush Sharma and Arpita Khan Sharma’s daughter, Ayat, who celebrates her birthday with Salman, was Here is …
On Saturday night, December 25, Salman Khan was bitten by a non-venomous snake at his Panvel farmhouse. Salman Khan will be celebrating his 56th birthday at his Panvel farmhouse tomorrow, December 27. SALMAN'S PIC WITH DOCTOR GOES VIRAL Dr Jalil Parkar of Lilavati Hospital was specially brought in to check on Salman Khan after he was discharged from Kamothe hospital …
As PM Modi had announced 21-days nationwide lockdown on Tuesday, the work of films has come to a stop. Salman Khan, who was supposed to shoot for his next film Radhe: Your Most wanted Bhai, has also whisked off to his Panvel farmhouse with his family to exercise social distancing. Reportedly, the actor has shifted to his favorite place, his …