Actor Salman Khan reportedly made a visit to his house in Mumbai on Tuesday, after spending 60 days at his Panvel farmhouse during the nationwide coronavirus lockdown. Salman Khan has been at his Panvel farmhouse since the lockdown began. Salman, along with several friends and family -- sister Arpita and her husband Aayush Sharma, actors Jacqueline Fernandez, Waluscha De Sousa …
Salman Khan released the music video for his latest original track, Tere Bina, on his YouTube channel on Tuesday. Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez in a screengrab from the Tere Bina video. Tere Bina, shot over four days, is his “cheapest production” till date, Salman had previously told actor Waluscha De Souza in a mock interview. Before Tere Bina, Salman …
During the self-quarantine owing to the coronavirus, Salman Khan is also keeping himself busy honing his painting skills With the nation on complete lockdown for 21-days to restrict the spread of novel coronavirus, superstar Salman Khan and his family have moved to the Panvel farmhouse from Galaxy Apartments in Bandra. Salman’s younger sister Arpita, her husband and actor Aayush Sharma …
As PM Modi had announced 21-days nationwide lockdown on Tuesday, the work of films has come to a stop. Salman Khan, who was supposed to shoot for his next film Radhe: Your Most wanted Bhai, has also whisked off to his Panvel farmhouse with his family to exercise social distancing. Reportedly, the actor has shifted to his favorite place, his …