Maharashtra Transport Minister Anil Parab and his then cabinet colleague Anil Deshmukh allegedly received ₹40 crore from 10 DCPs in Mumbai to reverse the order of their transfer issued by the then city police commissioner Param Bir Singh, dismissed police officer Sachin Waze has claimed in his statement to the Enforcement Directorate. This statement is part of charge sheet filed …
Param Bir Singh, a 1988-batch IPS officer, is in the limelight after making sensational allegations of corruption and extortion against former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh. Meanwhile, Param Bir Singh's allegations have been supported by suspended Mumbai Police officer Sachin Vaze who in a letter to the National Investigation Agency claimed he was called by Anil Deshmukh to his house …
On Tuesday, Justice SS Shinde of the Bombay High Court rebuked a lawyer named Dr Jaishri Laxmanrao Patil for seeking a CBI probe into the allegations of extortion levelled by former Mumbai CP Param Bir Singh against Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh. The Bombay High Court will shortly begin hearing a PIL by an advocate seeking a CBI inquiry into …