Parth Pawar on Monday drew criticism from several quarters for his tweet welcoming the construction of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. However, Parth’s comments on Ram Mandir did ruffle a feathers as the senior NCP leaders came into the defence of the deputy chief minister’s statement on Bhoomi pujan. Parth’s statements on the Bhoomi pujan of the Ram Mandir assumes …
Big political names in the state of Maharashtra are facing defeat in Lok Sabha elections 2019. During the 'Modi wave' of Lok Sabha elections 2014, Ashok Chavan was able to retain his seat when Sena-BJP combine sweeped across the state. Lok Sabha election 2019 has not only given a jolt to political titans in the state but has also shaken …
Even as Congress President Rahul Gandhi gives sermons to the Bharatiya Janata Party for shielding fugitive businessman Vijay Mallya and also intends to fund his NYAY scheme through extracting money from fugitive businessmen, Congress ally NCP are busy joining hands with Vijay Mallya’s son-in-law Samar Singh. Interestingly, Samar Singh’s is actively involved with the Congress ally NCP even as Congress …