A special Central Bureau of Investigation court in Kolkata rejected the bail plea of former West Bengal minister Partha Chatterjee and others in the School Service Commission recruitment scam and sent them to judicial remand for a further two weeks till November 28. The court also extended judicial custody till the same period for former WBSSC chairman and former vice-chancellor …
Highlights Partha Chatterjee was stripped of all his ministerial and party portfolios 2 bureaucrats recently sent on compulsory waiting for indefinite period by state government The most among the two is Sukanta Acharya who had been personal assistant to Partha Chatterjee Partha Chatterjee news : After Partha Chatterjee was stripped of all his ministerial and party portfolios, the bureaucrats, considered …
West Bengal SSC Scam: The Enforcement Directorate, which is probing the multi-crore West Bengal School Service Commission recruitment scam, is now focusing on three companies with former minister Partha Chatterjee's son-in-law, Kalyanmoy Bhattacharya as Director. The three companies are Improline Constructions Pvt Ltd, HRI Wealth Creation Realtors Pvt Ltd,and Acrisius Consulting Pvt Ltd. As per records of the Registrar of …
The Trinamool Congress government is feeling the heat of the alleged irregularities in recruitment carried by the West Bengal School Service Commission with senior Minister Partha Chatterjee on Wednesday appearing before the Central Bureau of Investigation. Earlier in the day, Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay of Calcutta High Court directed Mr. Chatterjee, Minister of Industries and Commerce and secretary-general of the State’s …