Television actress Radhika Madan who will be making her Bollywood debut with Vishal Bhardwaj’s Pataakha, had to gain 10 kgs for her character in the comedy-drama. She wanted to make her character look authentic and the additional weight gain helped her get the body language,” a source informs. Radhika who had a month’s time to put on a few kilos …
After the release of its first look poster, the trailer of Vishal Bhardwaj’s upcoming directorial venture Pataakha has been released. The clip introduces two warring sisters, Genda Kumari or ‘Chhutki’ and Champa Kumari or ‘Badki’, played by Sanya Malhotra of Dangal fame and Radhika Madan respectively. When their father, fondly called Bapu, has to come up with a huge sum …
Vishal Bhardwaj is back with his next directorial venture, "Pataaka", a Rajasthan-set drama about two warring sisters. The comedy drama, starring "Dangal" star Sanya Malhotra, TV actor Radhika Madan and comedian Sunil Grover in the lead roles, will release on September 28. Film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared Pataakha first look poster on Twitter. Bhardwaj, who is known …