As promised, Malaika Arora has performed a special song for the film Pataakha, directed by Vishal Bhardwaj. The filmmaker is known to have featured one of the most well-known special songs in one of his films - Beedi, featuring Bipasha Basu, in Omkara - and Malaika is known as one of the most famous performers of these dance numbers, with …
Bollywood actor Malaika Arora Khan is all set to perform on a sizzling desi number in Vishal Bhardwaj’s upcoming movie Pataakha. She will be grooving to the song Hello Hello sung by Rekha Bhardwaj and penned by Gulzar. Malaika Arora during the launch of designer Manish Malhotra's new venture 'Learn with Manish Malhotra'. The makers have said that the song …
Malaika Arora Khan is set to appear in a special song for Vishal Bhardwaj's upcoming film Pataakha. "Malaika started the trend of these special songs, so when we came up with this track for 'Pataakha', she was the first one we thought of casting. Pataakha is a comedy-drama about two sisters, Badki and Chhutki and, is based on an acclaimed …