New Delhi: After the grand trailer unveiling of Amazon Original series ‘Jubilee’, Prime Video and the series’ creator and director Vikramaditya Motwane today announced a special initiative ‘Jubilee Day’ - a day-long film festival bringing back the magic of yesteryear blockbusters on the big screen. ‘Jubilee Day’ is an extension of that celebration, showcasing ‘jubilee hits’ - cinematic classics that …
It was a surreal moment for the audience at the Maquinez Palace auditorium in Panaji when the 1971 film ‘Kati Patang’ was screened at the 53rd International Film Festival of India. The film brought back the late icon Rajesh Khanna once again to the big screen, and the evergreen track ‘Pyaar Deewana Hota Hai’ brought along the late legendary singer …
There is a strange connection between the French fabulist Jean de La Fontaine and Shakti Samanta’s Amar Prem, which turns fifty this year. For the film that gave the superstar his trademark line, “Pushpa, I hate tears”, Khanna nearly didn’t feature in Amar Prem as Samanta felt that Khanna’s busy schedule might not allow him to play. Samanta wasn’t entirely …
This month, 50 years ago, the film Kati Patang was released in theatres and became a big hit. For readers who’ve never heard of him, Nanda was a phenomenally popular writer of “pocket books”, the cheaply printed and low-priced Hindi novels that sold in staggering numbers at bookstalls, railway stations, bus depots and lending libraries in the 1960s and ’70s. …