Voters in Jharkhand’s Tamar Assembly constituency have some unusual candidates, including a former CPI zonal commander, to choose from in Saturday’s poll. Carrying a bounty of ₹15 lakh at one time, he was charged with murdering Ramesh Singh Munda, Tamar’s former MLA. Now, Mr. Pahan faces Ramesh Singh Munda’s son, Vikash, the incumbent who is contesting on the Jharkhand Mukti …
Tamar Assembly Elections 2019: Tamar Assembly constituency in Jharkhand throws up an interesting political contest. Patar won the 2009 election as well but with a slim margin of over 1,400 votes against Munda’s son Vikash Kumar, who was contesting on an AJSU ticket. Following are some details about the constituency Constituency number: 59 Total electors: 2,06,322 Male: 1,03868 Female: 102454 …