Actor Bhumi Pednekar is 'bringing in the heat' with her latest photoshoot, styled by Sonam Kapoor's sister Rhea Kapoor, and we cannot help but swoon. Bhumi Pednekar is a 'Proper Patola' in bralette and embroidered lehenga, Internet says 'Bringing the heat': All pics On Thursday, Bhumi took to Instagram to share pictures of herself dressed in the lehenga set and …
Malaika Arora's 46th birthday party was nothing short of a dreamy, starry affair. Her close friends like Kareena Kapoor Khan, sister Amrita Arora, Karisma Kapoor were there and so were Akshay Kumar-Twinkle Khanna, Shweta Bachchan Nanda and Tara Sutaria. Not just her rumored boyfriend Arjun Kapoor, but his sister Janhvi Kapoor and cousin Shanaya Kapoor were also present at the …