In anticipation of Maharashtra Assembly Speaker Rahul Narwekar's impending decision on Thursday regarding the petitions filed by rival factions within the Nationalist Congress Party, the group led by Ajit Pawar asserted that the party won't backtrack from their decision to join the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance. The NCP witnessed a division in July last year when Ajit Pawar and eight …
The Maharashtra Cricket Association has unveiled the Punit Balan Group and Manikchand Oxyrich as its main partners for the next domestic seasons, starting with the ongoing one. In exchange, all the MCA team jerserys - men and women, from senior to age-group - will have Punit Balan Group and Manikchand Oxyrich branding. “The deal will help MCA provide better facilities …
MUMBAI BJP, NCP and both camps of Shiv Sena have been trading barbs ever since the Maha Vikas Aghadi government was toppled a few months ago. CM Devendra Fadnavis, NCP chief Sharad Pawar and BJP leader Ashish Shelar during a gathering on the eve of the Mumbai Cricket Association polls at Wankhede Stadium, in Mumbai, India, on Wednesday, October 19, …
Covaxin has been granted Emergency Use Listing in 13 countries as on January 31 according to the WHO, Minister of State for Health Bharati Pravin Pawar informed the Lok Sabha on Friday. The COVID-19 Working Group of NTAGI recommended Covid vaccination in adolescents between 15 years to 18 years, Pawar said in a written reply. READ: Indian scientists create new …