The Karnataka Government informed the High Court that the benefit of general holidays and Government holidays as notified by the Court in the calendar is granted to the part-time daily wage manual workers working in the Benches of High Court at Dharwad and Kalaburagi. In the order dated 17.11.2021, the Court recorded the submission on the part of the advocate …
Sarah-Jane Campbell Smith, 34, is due to fly with her fiancé, James Waterhouse, 36, from Manchester to JFK on August 24 BA pilots unhappy at having to stay in four- rather than five-star hotels are planning to go on strike at the height of summer after rejecting £20,000 pay increases. A British Airways spokeswoman told MailOnline: 'We are disappointed that …
More than 400,000 US government employees will go without pay, 380,000 will be put on leave without pay as America hurtles towards a partial government shutdown days before the Christmas holidays and all this is happening over another Donald Trump tantrum. That’s the short story of a wild and endless day in Washington DC when many stunned lawmakers who had …