The Reserve Bank of India recently allowed the users of prepaid payment instruments to access UPI services via third party applications. This will enable the PPI holders to make UPI payments like bank account holders,” reads the RBI statement dated April 5, 2024. So, the latest move on Dec 27 was a follow-up action where the RBI instructed all prepaid …
April 05, 2023 10:59 pm | Updated April 06, 2023 02:00 pm IST The story so far: Earlier last week, the National Payments Corporation of India, which governs UPI, in a circular issued directly to banks, intimated that they can now levy charges on merchant transactions made through Prepaid Instrument wallets using UPI. Subsequently, PPI issuers tied up with NPCI …
UPI transaction charges: The National Payments Corporation of India has suggested the implementation of an interchange fee for Prepaid Payment Instruments on Unified Payments Interface transactions exceeding Rs 2,000. The proposal recommends an interchange fee of up to 1.1 percent with the objective of boosting revenue for banks and payment service providers who have faced significant costs in facilitating UPI …
Numerous technological innovations, revolutionary progress in Fintech and the ever-growing use of Prepaid Payment Instruments has led to regular amendments in the Master Directions on issuance and Operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments. To sum up, the major change from the Previous Master Directions is that non-bank PPIs were not allowed to issue Full KYC PPIs, however under the New Master …
To encourage non-bank financial institutions such as mobile wallets and payments banks, Reserve Bank of India announced a host of changes in its monetary policy on Wednesday. From extending the National Electronic Funds Transfer and Real-Time Gross Settlement facilities to non-bank payment system operators to hiking the maximum end of day balance for payment banks, here are the key announcements …