An Alwar court acquitted on Wednesday six people accused of lynching dairy farmer Pehlu Khan while he was transporting cows in Rajasthan two years ago. In September 2017, the police closed investigation against the six men Khan named based on the statements by the staff of a cow shelter as well as mobile phone records. Sharma called the Alwar decision …
Amid the row broke over Alwar lynch mob victim Pehlu Khan being named in a charge sheet, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Saturday sought to clarify that the killed dairy farmer was not charged by his government. "Name of Late Pehlu Khan is not there in the chargesheet submitted by Rajasthan Police in December 2018. Asked if Khan was …
Indian Express can’t expect its readers—and I am one—to be polite any longer. Indian Express has published a front-page screamer today in which they inform the readers that the “dairy farmer” Pehlu Khan who was “lynched” by “gau rakshaks” in Alwar two years ago has been charge-sheeted by the Police as “cow-smuggler.” First thing first. Pehlu Khan was a “cow-smuggler” …