The Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh supremo Mohan Bhagwat made headlines recently with his seemingly placatory noises towards Indian Muslims. They have made me an accused basically to counter the charge sheet filed against the accused in Akhlaq’s lynching.” In the main case of Akhlaq’s killing, a charge sheet has been framed, and the sessions court at Surajpur issued a summons to …
The Rajasthan government ordered a fresh probe into the Pehlu Khan lynching case on Friday, CNN-News18 reported, two days after a court in Alwar acquitted the six accused, stating that the video of the incident was inadmissible evidence The Rajasthan government ordered a fresh probe into the Pehlu Khan lynching case on Friday, CNN-News18 reported, two days after a court …
Pehlu Khan, a resident of Jaisinghpura village in Haryana’s Nuh district, died in hospital on 3 April, 2017 triggering outrage over the murder. Hyderabad: AIMIM president Asaduddin Owaisi on Wednesday blamed “shoddy prosecution” for the acquittal of all six accused in the lynching of Pehlu Khan in April, 2017 by a mob for transporting cows. They wanted to be famous …