Amid call by the Hindu outfits to hold Jalabhishek Yatra in Nuh on August 28, Haryana Director General of Police Shatrujeet Kapur on August 26 said the permission for the procession was denied and all necessary arrangements were made to maintain law and order in view of the inputs that the organisers had given a call for the people to …
On Friday, the Madras High Court directed the Tamil Nadu police to grant permission to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh for a state-wide route march on November 6. — Law Today September 30, 2022 The ruling was issued by the court in response to a batch of 30 contempt of court petitions filed by RSS members against the TN police for …
The High Court of Madhya Pradesh recently questioned the validity of a law degree attained by attending part-time classes and whether the same has sanction of the Bar Council of India. Noting the submissions of the Petitioner, the Court brought its attention to the conduct of the said Institution- However, the issue involved is in different domain namely whether part …