Javed Akhtar has given an explanation for his past blunt remarks against the blockbuster success of Sandeep Reddy Vanga's 2023 family crime drama Animal, starring Ranbir Kapoor in the lead role. What Javed said Javed Akhtar said 15 people who made Animal are 'perverts' {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} “I did not opine on Animal, I opined on the audience. Sandeep's …
Veteran lyricist Javed Akhtar recently revisited his earlier comments on Sandeep Reddy Vanga's Animal. The former screenwriter, who faced criticism for calling the success of films like Animal a "dangerous trend" earlier this year, clarified in a recent interview that he was not criticising the film itself but rather the audience's choices. In an interview with Mojo Story, Javed Akhtar …