Holger Leue via Getty Images Porous fruits like strawberries should be well rinsed before being consumed. The Environmental Protection Agency says “people are likely to be exposed to only very small amounts of a pesticides — too small to pose a risk.” In many cases, Johnson-Arbor said, “the exact dose and timing of exposure needed to cause these harmful human …
随着天气转暖,各种新鲜美味的果蔬将会成批上市。尽管我们在食用之前都会清洗果蔬,但是有些果蔬的农药残留还是难以去除。你知道哪些果蔬的农药残留量最多,哪些最少吗? The Environmental Working Group recently released its annual Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, which includes two lists: the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean Fifteen,” which rank which types of fruits and vegetables have the highest and lowest levels of pesticide residue, respectively. 环境工作组发现,99%的草莓样品(最近一批样品检测时间是2015到2016年)至少可检测到一种农药残留,从而在农药残留上位列首位。此外,环境工作组今年发现,柿子椒和辣椒所含的农药残留比往年更多,从12位上升到了第7位。环境工作组还发现,传统农产品菠菜所含的平均农药残留水平是接受检测的其他同等重量农产品的1.8倍。羽衣甘蓝和芥菜检测出的农药残留总量是最高的。 以下是“最脏12种果蔬”完整清单: 1 Strawberries 草莓 2 Spinach 菠菜 3 Kale, collard & mustard greens 羽衣甘蓝和芥菜 4 …