Early in March 2020, Kartik Pillai took his parents for a quick trip to their home state of Kerala. For Pillai, who plays in two fairly successful bands and has a side gig creating fantastically dissonant soundscapes as experimental noise-maker Jamblu, this amounted to an incredibly stripped down setup, almost back-to-the-basics. The one-and-a-half-minute Get New also lurches with a disorienting …
With all the results out, the BJP has emerged as the single largest party with 20 seats in the 40-seat Assembly. The TMC, which contested the Goa election for the first time, said on its Twitter handle that it accepts the mandate with “humility”, adding that would continue to serve the people of Goa and work harder ni earn their …
Veteran Malayalam actor GK Pillai, who was famous for playing the villain in action films and for performing stunts without using body doubles, passed away on Friday. A hugely respected actor, Pillai’s baritone voice was his distinguishing feature and it won him many roles and several film awards. This year saw several noted Malayalam artists leave for their heavenly abode, …