A miniature 'Suez Canal crisis' that occurred on a British river may have been the result of a 'lapse of concentration' by the trainee pilot, an official report has concluded. Her bow and stern ended up on opposite banks, echoing the 2021 Ever Given accident, when the 1,300ft container ship drifted across the entire width of the Suez Canal in …
The 1st Black Woman To Pilot A Spacecraft Says Seeing Earth Was The Best Part Sian Proctor, the first Black woman to pilot a spacecraft, says the most memorable moment from her three days in orbit aboard the first all-civilian Inspiration4 mission was the view of Earth. "Oh my goodness, opening the cupola and sliding my head up there and …
Six Pakistani pilots spoke to Al Jazeera about allegations of fraud and improper flight certification practices. “There have been so many safety violations,” said “Pilot D”, a senior PIA pilot with 13 years of commercial aviation experience. “The European Union Aviation Safety Agency report did not come because of the crash or the ‘fake’ licences, it was a ticking time …