World Championship bronze medallist Lovlina Borgohain of Assam claimed the gold medal while Haryana boxer Manisha Moun had to be content with silver at the women’s National Boxing Championships on Sunday. Manisha went down to Meenakumari Devi of All India Police in 54 kg class, leaving Haryana to be satisfied with three gold medals through the reliable Pinki Rani Jangra, …
As well as Lather and Kaur, it also turned out to be a fruitful day in office for Commonwealth Games bronze medal winners Pinki Jangra and Manisha Moun as both entered the last eight round. Vijayanagara: World Championships medallists Sonia Lather and Simranjit Kaur beat their respective rivals with consummate ease to storm into the quarter-finals of the third women’s …