Billionaire Gautam Adani’s roads-to-mining group outbid US-based Oaktree with a Rs 33,000 crore bid for collapsed housing lender, DHFL, but rival bidders want it out of the race for allegedly missing the deadline – a charge Adani Group denies saying it followed due process and the “cartel” wants to prevent value maximisation. Four entities – Adani Group, Piramal Group, US-based …
Billionaire Ajay Piramal’s decision to finally bow out of Shriram Capital caps years of unsuccessful attempts to harness Shriram Group’s key strengths to the advantage of his own financial services business. On Tuesday, Shriram Capital Ltd, the holding company of Shriram Group, said Piramal Enterprises Ltd and private equity firm TPG Capital have decided to sell their stakes in the …