Ahead of the Supreme Court's verdict on Ayodhya land dispute case, Bhopal Collector Tarun Pithode prohibited objectionable content on the social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Group SMS and other social media platforms. Collector and District Magistrate Tarun Pithode, while issuing orders under Section 144, said that the group admin will be responsible for putting wrong comments, photos, …
Class 12 student Prakhar Shrivastav is eagerly awaiting the first class of the day on Monday to ask his role model — Bhopal Collector Tarun Kumar Pithode — a nagging question. Not just him, nine other aspirants among the 48 science stream students are yearning, almost impatiently, for their weekly dose of motivation from 10-15 district officials to begin. Reniwal, …