Comedian Kunal Kamra made headlines with his sharp response to Blinkit co-founder and CEO Albinder Dhindsa’s post which highlighted the most-ordered items on the quick-commerce platform during New Year’s Eve. Prep for after party?” Kamra, soon after, shared Dhindsa’s post and posed a cutting question regarding the average wages paid to Blinkit delivery agents last year: “Can you also enlighten …
Residents play with their pets at a new pet owners' center in the Xinfukangli neighborhood in Shanghai on Sept 25, 2022. Shanghai has added a pet registration service to its official e-governance platform — Government Online-Offline Shanghai — allowing dog owners to handle matters related to their pets, such as licensing and annual inspection along with other services, with a …
Households with an electric car or solar panels and a smart electricity meter will soon be able to earn some extra cash by selling their excess electricity. National grid operator TenneT developed a blockchain platform, called Equigy, through which millions of private individuals throughout Europe can become active on the electricity market, NOS reports. Using the platform, electric car owners …
Watching Disney’s live-action remake of “Lady and the Tramp” bears the familiar feeling of settling — sinking into a spot that is uncomfortably comfortable with the full, conscious knowledge that you could be spending your time better. But unlike the studio’s 2019 “The Lion King” remake which was a near shot-for-shot replication of the 1994 version, the new “Lady and …